Strategic Alliance Partner

Pitcher Partners


Pitcher Partners is a national association of independent Accounting firms. The association is represented by Pitcher Partners Melbourne, Pitcher Partners Sydney, Pitcher Partners Perth, Pitcher Partners Adelaide, Pitcher Partners Brisbane and Pitcher Partners Newcastle. Pitcher Partners’ reputation is built on the excellent service they provide to clients – reliable, practical, commercial and thorough.


  • Pitcher Partners Brisbane has been operating in the Queensland market since 1974.  The firm is recognised as a leader in the field, providing a full range of financial advisory and assurance services to small and mid-cap corporates, privately owned businesses and their high net worth owners, local government and not-for-profits.
  • Pitcher Partners’ focus is on providing technical expertise with a commercial approach whilst developing long term relationships with their clients.

Member Benefits

Complimentary Health Check

One hour consultation to discuss your business or any concerns.

Forum Expert Topics

Got an accounting / finance related issue in your forum? Pitcher Partners can present on any related topic.

Room Facilities

Click here to view meeting rooms capacities


Jeremy Jones
Level 38, Central Plaza 1, 345 Queen Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
Simon Chun
Level 38, Central Plaza 1, 345 Queen Street
Brisbane QLD 4000