Deep Dive Dinners | Together we can create a magical night of conversation and connection

Imagine enjoying a delicious dinner with fellow EO Members, while diving deep into a challenging topic and the sharing life experiences that have shaped you… and walking away nourished in both mind and body.

Event Overview

  • Frequency Monthly
  • Date Second Saturday of each month where possible (excluding January 2025)
  • Format Hosted in a member’s home to encourage privacy and intimacy. (Spouses, children and other house guests can remain home however, the dining area must be private for the evening).
  • Participants Ideally 6 – 8 forum-trained members, mixing different forums.
  • What to Bring Your vulnerability, BYO a drink or bottle of wine to share, and no voyeurs—everyone to participate in food and discussion.

Key Objectives

  • Facilitated Discussions Each dinner will have a trained facilitator to guide the conversation around a pre-selected, vetted topic to promote deep, respectful dialogue. The facilitator will be other recently moderator trained EO members
  • Host Engagement Members who can host the dinners, coordinate the event, select the location, food, and manage the invite list.
  • Member Participation Create a safe space for sharing experiences, asking questions, and learning from each other.

Key Benefits to EO Queensland Members

  • Deep Connections Foster stronger bonds with fellow members through intimate and meaningful conversations.
  • Personal Growth Engage in discussions that challenge perspectives and encourage self-reflection and personal development.
  • Valuable Insights Gain new insights and learn from the diverse experiences and viewpoints of other members.
  • Supportive Environment Participate in a safe and respectful space where everyone’s experiences and opinions are valued.
  • Enhanced Engagement Increase member engagement and satisfaction by offering a unique and impactful event series.

Next Steps

  • Expression of Interest Call out to members who can host these dinners over the next few months FORM HERE
  • Facilitator Selection Identify and select facilitators for the events, who will be recently moderator trained EO members. Also, require an expression of interest for future dinners FORM HERE